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Jacksons Creek Bridge Load Rating Assessment

Kinsley Group was engaged by V/Line to undertake a load rating assessment of the historically significant Jackson’s Creek Bridge located along the Bendigo Rail Corridor.

The purpose of the load rating investigation was to determine if the current speed restrictions could be lifted on the bridge structure for the operation of G-Class locomotives.

The bridge was originally constructed in 1862 and consisted of a wrought iron riveted plate through girder structure that was continuous over three spans, longitudinal timber deck spanning between the wrought iron cross girders and a masonry substructure consisting of bluestone block work. The span lengths of the original bridge consisted of two 84’ 6” (25.739m) spans and a single 92’ 6” (28.176m) span. The original bridge structure supported C-Class locomotives at a line speed of 60m/h (97km/h).

The bridge was later strengthened via the provision of intermediate masonry piers and additional beam members that resulted in a unique arrangement.

In order to determine the structural adequacy of the bridge structure to support G-Class locomotive loading at line speed, Kinsley Group undertook extensive site inspections, review of the bridge investigation reports documented over the past century, rigorous structural analysis including 3D computer modelling using SPACEGASS, design capacity computations and the development of a load rating assessment report to document the findings and recommendations for V/Line’s consideration.